Tuesday – Friday 10:00 AM – 4 PM*

Saturday 10:00 AM – 3 PM*

Please contact the Museum to make a reservation for your group.

*Please call the Visitors Center at 843-525-8500 before you come to confirm Museum staff availability.

Pricing Effective August 1, 2022

General Admission
Active Duty Military (w/Military ID)Free
Children/Teens (18 and under)Free
Museum Members (Active Subscription)Free
With Complimentary Guest PassFree
College Student w/ID$5
Special Admission
Pre-arranged School Tour Groups  
1 Adult Per 10 StudentsFree
Students 18 and UnderFree
All other Adults in Group$5
Adults part of a pre-arranged Tour Group$5
Encampments and Similar Events$5

1.     Tour Group pricing applies to adult groups, must be pre-arranged through the museum office, tour leader is admitted Free. Exceptions must be authorized by a museum director only.
2.     Tour buses and other groups without prior reservations are charged general admission prices.
3.     School Group visits must be pre-arranged and may or may not require a Museum Booklet depending on the student ages. Booklets are appropriate for ages 10 and under and may be purchased through the visitor center. This booklet is also available at N/C on the museum website.

The Arsenal
713 Craven Street
Beaufort, SC 29902

Mailing Address
Beaufort History Museum
P.O. Box 172
Beaufort, SC 29901

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