Four Rivers Summer Adventure Campers
On Thursday, July 25, the museum office received a call from Wilton Stewart in North Charleston. Mr. Stewart is associated with the Four Rivers Summer Adventure camp and they needed a place to bring their campers on Friday, the 26th. I returned the call to get the details. This is a 7 week camp. Their activity schedule for the previous Friday had been rained out and the forecast for yesterday in Charleston also promised rain so they were looking for a place that offered an inside experience. Would our museum be willing to host them?
They wished to bring 41 children from ages 4 through 13 and 11 adults who work with the camp. They planned to arrive around 11:00 AM in a 55 passenger bus. After checking with Pete Gaillard, the scheduled docent, and with Tom Kelley, I told Mr. Stewart to come on down. Prior to their arrival yesterday, the Park Service across the street agreed to take half of the kids while the other half toured the museum. After about 45 minutes, we switched groups. The Park Service was completely cooperative, and after some instruction inside the Reconstruction display walked the kids down Craven Street to view the Robert Smalls and Harriet Tubman memorials.
Inside the museum, our own Al and Trish Lehman took charge of the kids and could not have done a better job, as I believe the photographs attached to this email demonstrate. The kids were eager, engaged, well behaved and well supervised. Pete handled visitors to the museum who were not part of the camping group so normal museum business was not disrupted. From the comments the chaperones made as they left, this was a wonderful experience for the children both in the museum and with the Park Service. Al and Trish were terrific, agreeing only late Thursday night to come in on Friday, which happened to be their 47th wedding anniversary. It is not too much to say we could not have done it without them.
IMO this served a vital purpose for the museum, and I’m happy we were able to accommodate a last minute request.
If your school or organization would like to plan a field trip to the Beaufort History Museum, please call us at 843-525-8500